Ariel D’Alessandro has lived in Northern Virginia for 28 years. He met his wife Claudia here through an amazing client he had insured 10 years prior, her dad, Wilfredo E Torres. In Ariel D’Alessandro’s own words, “I was blessed to have known him for as long as I did prior to his passing. Not only he was a loyal client, but he also became the most utmost amazing loving, caring, and understanding father-in-law, friend, and my 2nd father.” Ariel and his wife have been married for 20 years now and going strong. They have 3 amazing, smart, talented beautiful kids. Their son Gianncarlo the youngest, and their two daughters, Kristen the oldest, and Antonella their middle child.
Each Spring and Fall for the past 5 years Ariel coached his son’s baseball team through a local organization named GHBL (Gainesville Haymarket Baseball League). He then became an assistant coach for his son’s traveling team named Stars. His wife Claudia (Soccer Mom) has been attending both daughters’ soccer practices and on weekends they are blessed to attend all their games together.